„Paint for peace“ and „Write for peace“ were joined in 2014 by the third peace culture pillar „Music for peace“. Helene Walterskirchen’s concern was to create a new peace music style which was supposed to be fresh, colourful and swinging, but also contemplative and sophisticated.

Helene Walterskirchen’s idea could be put into praxis when, besides her daughter Alexandra, the musicians Martin Schlögl, Wieland Götze and Arno Leixner (who left the project in summer 2015 due to professional reasons) joined the project. Thereby the group “AdmaMusicFriends” was born.

Together they texted, composed and arranged in 2014. This way the album SWINGING PEACE with 14 peace songs arose – a potpourri between rock and pop, ballads, chansons and old-Egyptian temple songs.

From autumn 2014 and over the course of 2015 the AdmaMusicFriends presented the album SWINGING PEACE at different charity concerts in the area of Landsberg am Lech, but also in Austria. The donations went primarily into the war refugee work.

BandFurther concerts in 2016 are being planned or rather are fixed yet. More information can be found at www.AdmaMusicFriends.com. There you can also listen to samples of all songs of the SWINGING PEACE album as well as some of the new album SWINGING UNIVERSE. The songs you like can be downloaded for a fee.